Good web pages – what are the key factors?
Clear easy to read text is one of the main requirements of a good web page. Type style and size should be chosen that enhance viewing the page. Colour combinations used should provide good contrast so the display is comfortable to the eye.
Most web sites will have more information that can be displayed on one screen so accessing various bits of information on the site should be easy to accomplish. The viewer should be able to move directly from any section of the site to any other section of the site. A display with links to all information available on the site should be available at all times.
A site map is another useful feature that web sites should have. It should show what is available on a web site in a more graphical layout, so a person can get a quicker overview of what the site contains.
All web sites should have contact details clearly displayed so the used can follow up with any questions or suggestions he may have related to information on the site.