Web Design Group

Sydney PC User Group
welcomes you to the
Web Design Special Interest Group

For people who would like to learn about and practise developing attractive WEB sites in a creative and friendly atmosphere.

Report on the new developments at
SPCUG Web Design


 Robert has decided to retire and last month he asked me if I could take over as sig leader. I would like to thank Robert for the time and effort he put into this sig. He has run it from its inception and it has been a great learning adventure. I only hope I can facilitate a few good discussions myself. I have a few resources we can use which we should find of interest, they including some very good professional teaching videos so we can learn from the experts without the great fees.

Secondly, our new site is now up with a basic set of web pages on it.

Thanks to Brent Roberts for the great tips you can find in design notes. I have included the tutorials that members have put together over the years. Now, we can get into some really creative design work, pulling it apart rebuilding it, or creating additional sites.

Naturally all the new activity will take place on the new site so this one will become an archive of our achievements.

Steve South


Meetings are held on the 3rd Saturday of each month
from 2pm to 4pm at
Level 1, 280 Pitt Street, Sydney

SIG leader is Robert Hume Ph 9808 2384

This site has been built using NetObjects Fusion Version 9.1 which is the official program for this Special Interest Group.

our group2 Aug_07 copy

Members at our August 2007 meeting.


Our first meeting at 280 Pitt Street.
There was no key! or lift access. October 2004.